Case Study: Gregory Distribution - Sustaining Leadership in Green Freight with Avalon Green

Customer Requirement
In 2023, Gregory Distribution faced a pivotal challenge. As a leader in sustainable road freight, the company was responsible for delivering essential services to some of the UK's most prominent brands, particularly in generating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reports critical for Scope 3 emissions analysis. The unexpected resignation of their Group Sustainability Lead created a significant expertise gap in a niche and challenging recruitment area. This situation jeopardised their ability to meet customer commitments and continue developing innovative sustainable transport and fuel solutions, essential for maintaining their market-leading position and fulfilling tender requirements.

Avalon Green Solution
Avalon Green stepped in to bridge this expertise gap for Gregory Distribution. Our approach was multi-faceted, offering not just interim support but a strategic partnership. We provided comprehensive, tailored assistance that aligned seamlessly with Gregory’s advanced sustainability commitments and operational needs. This included maintaining and advancing the delivery of GHG reports and ensuring the ongoing development of sustainable transport initiatives.

Our flexible support model allowed Gregory to adjust the level of assistance according to their evolving business requirements, ensuring both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This adaptability was crucial in maintaining their operational integrity and sustainability leadership during the transitional period.

Customer Benefit
With Avalon Green's support, Gregory Distribution successfully honoured its commitments to customers without interruption, continuing its leadership role in sustainable road freight. The partnership allowed Gregory to navigate a potentially disruptive period with resilience, maintaining their service excellence and progressing their sustainability initiatives. Moreover, the flexibility of Avalon Green's support model provided Gregory with the necessary breathing room to carefully address the recruitment of a new Group Sustainability Lead, ensuring that the new hire would seamlessly integrate into their strategic vision for sustainability.

Client Testimonial
"Partnering with Avalon Green was a game-changer for us. Their dedication, expertise, and passion for sustainability have been instrumental in transforming our practices. We are proud of what we have achieved together and excited about the future possibilities."

Sarah Williams, CEO, Devon Belles