Customer Requirement
The sustainability of the manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly critical to customers, regulators, civil society organisations, and the industry itself. There is growing pressure to address climate change and other prominent environmental issues such as resource scarcity, energy consumption, air pollution, and water conservation. As a key player in this sector, Da.Maiker faced significant scrutiny and pressure to enhance its sustainability practices from customers, regulatory bodies, and NGOs.

To meet these evolving demands, Da.Maiker sought strategic support to elevate their sustainability initiatives. The objective was to develop a comprehensive sustainability roadmap that would transparently and effectively communicate their commitment to sustainable practices across their entire manufacturing operations.

Avalon Green Solution
Avalon Green was selected for this vital project due to their extensive expertise and successful track record in sustainability consultancy. Their approach began with an in-depth site visit and facility tour, allowing them to gain a thorough understanding of Da.Maiker's operations and identify key areas for improvement.

To develop the sustainability roadmap, Avalon Green's experts collaborated closely with Da.Maiker to identify and propose robust, credible metrics. This included a comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1, 2, and 3), energy efficiency, waste management, use of recycled materials, and social impacts.

As part of the project, Avalon Green conducted thorough research to understand the needs and expectations of regulators, NGOs, and customers regarding sustainability information. These insights were crucial in refining the sustainability metrics and developing a detailed roadmap that specified how the information should be presented and the level of detail required. Avalon Green’s behavioural economics and stakeholder engagement experts also facilitated sessions to test and validate these metrics with relevant stakeholder groups.

Concurrently, Avalon Green’s sustainable manufacturing and life cycle assessment experts reviewed, validated, and recommended a methodological approach for estimating the metrics to be included in the sustainability roadmap. This ensured that the metrics were accurate and aligned with industry best practices.

Customer Benefit
Da.Maiker now possesses a robust and comprehensive sustainability roadmap that significantly enhances their ability to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. This information is critically important for their customers, especially large corporate clients and regulatory authorities.

Importantly, the project has not only improved the visibility of Da.Maiker’s already commendable sustainability credentials but also set a new standard for transparency and robust sustainability data within the industry.

Client Testimonial
"We were thoroughly impressed with Avalon Green. Their professionalism, expert insights, and ability to convey complex information in a clear and easily understandable manner were exceptional. This experience has not only helped us understand our environmental impact but has also empowered us to take meaningful steps towards sustainability."

Shane Parsons, Managing Director, Da.Maiker